Holy Trinity

St. Peter

Mary Star of the Sea





Angels Gate Council 1740

106 Years of Service

o 870 West 8th Street

o San Pedro, CA 90731


o 310-832-4537



Membership Meetings 7:00 PM, First Tuesday each month (dinner may follow)
and Officers' Meetings 7:00 PM, third Tuesday each month

KofC Meeting Room located in basement, Mary Star School Auditorium, 870 W 8th St. San Pedro, CA 90731


ONE OF THE FIRST councils to be organized in Southern California in 1914, Angels Gate Council has been in continuous service to church and community ever since. During its long history the council has preserved the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism, although more so at some times than others. Today our council is a thriving, vibrant one, with many activities for our members' participation in all three San Pedro parishes. In 2012 Columbian Squires Circle 824 under Council Sponsorship was reactivated (www.sites.google.com/site/circle874)

IT IS THE MISSION of this website to be a timely informational source for its members. It is kept up to date, and we solicit information from the membership.

COUNCIL BY-LAWS: The new by-laws were ratified by the Supreme Council in 2013 and may be read by CLICKING HERE. It takes a 2/3 vote to amend them subject to approval of the Supreme Council.




OUR GRAND KNIGHT for the Columbian Year 2024-2025 is Anthony Zabawa.  "My wife, Kim, and I have lived in San Pedro since 1988.  We love this community and don't plan on ever leaving.  I have been attending the 9:00am mass at Mary Star as an usher every Sunday since 2010.  For the past seven years, I have served in Angels Gate 1740.  Energized by the brotherhood, I'm honored to serve and protect the church and the Catholic faith."

OUR DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT for the Columbian Year 2024-2025 is Lowell Thomas. 

OUR CHAPLAIN for the Columbian Year 2024-2025 is Fr. Patrick Foutts. "Father Patrick Foutts was born and raised in San Pedro. After graduating from St. Michael's Preparatory High School in 1983, he discerned a call to be a Norbertine priest at St. Michael's Abbey. After 10 years of formation at St. Michael's he was ordained a priest on July 3, 1993. The first assignment was to be a chaplain and teacher at Mary Star of the Sea Elementary. During the 18 years he spent at Mary Star he taught both 5th and 6th Grades. Next, he spent four years at St. Peter and St. Paul School in Wilmington as a teacher and chaplain. Then from 2015 to 2019 he was the rector of the parish school at St. John the Baptist Parish in Costa Mesa.
Throughout his many years in Catholic education, it has been a joy for Father Patrick to exercise his priestly ministry with young people as they strive to grow in knowledge and in virtue. Along Now back with us at MSSE as the school chaplain, Fr. Patrick will also serve as the chaplain at Little Sisters of the Poor Jeanne Jugan Residence."
You may read a detailed description of our council's history by clicking 1740 History and see a list of the past Grand Knights by clicking 1740 Past Grand Knights

HAVE A CELL PHONE? Take a picture at your next KofC activity or event and email it to Joe Lauro, jlauro@sbcglobal.net. Please give a brief description of who, what and where.

Last Updated 07/03/2024