FATHER McGIVNEY's LIFE: Father McGivney was an idealist. He was a man whose youthful vision and creativity expanded and matured even as his physical well-being diminished. We encourage you to read "Parish Priest", a book that focuses on Father McGivney’s priestly identity, his heart and manner. Available on Amazon.com. PatrickKelly Supreme Knight
REST IN PEACEI will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps. 232019Jay Glowacki, July 2018Bob Mitchell, November 26 Nikola Galesic, August 22 Raymond DiTucci, January 22 2017Frank Roje, October 27 2016James Ruddy, September 3 2014Douglas F. Collins, January 23 2013Stanley DiMeglio, February 19 2012Paul Haverluck, April 23 2011SK Bernard Gardner, January 14 2021Leo Kowalski, March 5 MEMENTO MORI |
WHO ARE THE KNIGHTS?: The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.7 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. STATE ACTIVITIES CHAIRMEN: . The list of State Activities Chairmen as of March 3, 2016 and their contact information may be viewed by clicking on State Activities Chairmen. If there are any questions about this list or any Program question at all you can contact the State Office or Stephen Bolton, California State Council Service Program Director, at http://www.programs@californiaknights.org SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING: . Supreme Knight Carl Anderson has called for action in response to the current sexual abuse crisis in the Church and outlined roles that chaplains and Knights should play. Our Safe Environment Program safeguards children and other vulnerable persons, assures members and their families that we maintain a safe environment, protects members from awkward situations, misunderstandings, and appearances of impropriety, builds trust with archdioceses and parishes, and protects the good name of the Knights of Columbus. Please use the following link to access the appropriate training module to achieve the required certification to work with youths: http://www.kofc.org/un/en/members/programs/youth-activities/safe-environment-program.html VOLUNTEER HOURS: Members are requested to keep track of their volunteer hours and submit them to the Grand Knight. The first submittal should cover 1 July 2014 through 30 June 2015. Please use the following form: Volunteer Hour Log. You can use the form posted on the national Knights of Columbus website, Survey of Fraternal Activity as a quide.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE: a membership application for a friend or relative? You may download and print a copy by clicking here: Knights of Columbus Membership Application. Bring it to the meeting after it is filled out, and give it to Chancellor Sean Campbell. Membership is open to practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are at least 18 years old. A practicing Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: As a member you will receive the monthly Columbia magazine and Knightline newsletter to keep you informed about our religion and the activities of our Order. You are also eligible for insurance. INSURANCE: We offer one of the most successful and highest rated personal insurance programs in the business, including life, long term care, and retirement. Remember that one of the founding principles of Fr. McGivney was to provide for widows and orphans. Each of us should consider our own family needs and prepare. For more information click on the blue tab above, "SUPREME COUNCIL," and find the Insurance tab. Also, contact our local representative, Ernie Literte, 310.781.3048, or send him an email, at ernielety@sbcglobal.net. He will be glad to meet with you in person. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA: This is the ladies auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus It is one of the largest Catholic women's organizations, with a membership of over 60,000 women from the United States and Canada. It continues to prosper and establish bonds among Catholic women throughout the world. Members encourage each other's total development and foster growth of every aspect of life - spiritual, social and charitable - adding up to a more fulfilling life! SQUIRES' ROSES: This is a group of young ladies at Mary Star Hight School, the female counterpart of the Columbian Squires Circle there. The Squires' Roses are an asset to the Knights of Columbus and to the community. CEREMONIALS OF THE ORDER: There are four "Degrees" of Knighthood within the Knights of Columbus. The initiation ceremonies into each of these Degrees are the only facets of the Order which are not made known to non-members. Each of the Degrees is designed to exemplify one of the four Principles of the Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Degrees must be taken in order. Every applicant must take the First Degree before he can be considered a Member of the Knights of Columbus. Once he has taken his First Degree, he becomes a member in good standing in the Order. To reach full Knighthood, members must also take the Second and Third Degrees and all members are strongly encouraged to do so. Members must have taken the Third Degree to be elected to Council offices. FIRST DEGREE TEAM: Council 1740 now has a working 1st Degree team, so we don’t always have to travel for this ceremony. Brother Knights are needed to take short speaking parts. To volunteer, please contact GK Joe Ungaro by phone (818.749.8332) or email at jun24601@hotmail.cm.
Last Updated 03/29/2021