-Pope Francis,
March 13,2013

"May the Knights of Columbus discover new ways to serve as a leaven of the Gospel in the world and a force for the renewal of the Church in holiness and apostolic zeal."
-Pope Benedict XVI
In a private audience to the Directors, Oct 3, 2008

"In fidelity to the vision of Father McGivney, may you continue to seek new ways of being a leaven of the Gospel in the world and a spiritual force for the renewal of the Church in holiness, unity and truth."
-Pope John Paul II
Welcoming Knights of Columbus Board of Directors to Rome in October 2003

Angels Gate Council 1740
o 870 West 8th Street
o San Pedro, CA 90731
o 310-832-4537
Click here to see the "October - Month of the Rosary" informational.
Upcoming Events
The table below identifies the planned events for the upcoming period.
October 2024
We want your pictures to start showing them in the Columbia Magazine as well as on our website. Try and take some during your volunteer activities, either from a cell phone or camera, and email them to Joe Lauro, jlauro@sbcglobal.net. Remember to tell us who, what, where, when and why.
Last Updated 10/04/2024