After years of study by various groups, the Vatican now approves a more accurate English translation of the Roman Missal. View the website below for a 10 minute overview of these changes:
New Roman Missal
Here is a list of websites recommended by Brother Vince Dever:
(Catholic Bishops Conference)
(news and information)
(books & videos)
YOU CAN ORDER your Council 1740 official polo shirt with the logo at Norman's Men and Boys Wear, 371 W. 6th Street, San Pedro, (310.832.8342) or you may purchase them from council member George Vasquez (310.833.3541 x220) for $16 and up.
John Zuanich, 4/6
Robert Bruschi Jr, 4/7
Petar Tomasevic, 4/10
Ernest Correa, 4/11
Msr Timothy O Connell, 4/11
Rev John Caronan, 4/14
Richard Bauer, 4/15
Rafael Rodriguez, 4/15
Jose Arzola, 4/17
Oscar Valdez, 4/22
Jorge Malca, 4/23
Daniel Maricich, 4/24
Francisco Del Castillo Jr, 4/29
From Supreme Roster dated July 2020.
Angels Gate Council 1740
o 870 West 8th Street
o San Pedro, CA 90731
o 310-832-4537
Council Activities
Our council activities embody the core values of the knights worldwide: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Since our foundation in 1914 we have continued involvement in the local community in all three parishes in San Pedro, and in the greater Church through family focused events such as the annual Parish Fiesta which they founded in 1917 at Mary Star of the Sea. Our volunteers and our fund raising efforts help provide food for the hungry, scholarships for local students, aid to handicapped children, support of our clergy, promoting vocations and defending the right to life.
Mary Star Fiesta: The Knights ran the Bingo event during the Fiesta.


Car Show: In June 2023 our branch held a Car Show at Mary Star High School, with the proceeds benefitting the Columbian Squires at that school.


Ordination: Fr. Matt Vasquez, son of brother knight Manny Vasquez, was ordained on June 2nd.


ONE LIFE LA 2023: Our branch supported the 1Life LA event this year under the leadership of Bob Hohman.


Thanksgiving Potluck: K of C members & family enjoy a potluck dinner, including turkey, on Nov. 15th in the Mary Star auditorium.


Fish Dinner Fundraiser: Volunteers pose with the flag on Veterans Day 2022. Proceeds will go toward chartering a bus for local parishioners to travel from San Pedro to attend the "OneLife LA" pro-life march in downtown LA on January 21, 2023. To sign up to ride on the bus, please contact Robert Hohman at

Car Show: In June 2022 our branch held a Car Show at Mary Star High School, with the proceeds benefitting the Columbian Squires at that school.


February 2022 Exemplification, levels 1-3: On February 5, 2022 an Exemplificiation ceremony was held for new members.




ONE LIFE LA 2022: Our branch supported the 1Life LA event this year under the leadership of Bob Hohman.


Holy Trinity Support: ID drive volunteers present Fr. Kevin Nolan of Holy Trinity with check on 4-24-2022.

Seminarian Support: Seminarian support check presented to Christian Eguajie from Mary Star of the Sea.

Presentation of Plaque: Past Grand Knight Joe Ungaro receiving a plaque for his tenure as 1740 Grand Knight.

Room Renovation Volunteers:

Lenten Raffle: Because the pandemic precluded providing Friday lenten meals this year, our branch set up a weekly raffle. Each weekly winner received ingredients for a fish dinner (provided by Bob Homan) with a grand prize to be awarded at Easter. Thusfar the raffle has raised over $3000 for our parish,





ONE LIFE LA 2020: Our branch supported the 1Life LA event this year under the leadership of Bob Hohman.







SAN PEDRO HOLIDAY PARADE 2019: Angels Gate Council 1740 marched in the San Pedro Holiday Parade on 12/01/2019.

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE 2019: Our council supported the Our Lady of Guadalupe festivities at St. Peters' by marching in the parade and assisting in the food services.




FAREWELL TO FATHER MARTIN & FATHER FREDDY: GK Chris Marino accompanied by Daughters of Isabella Regent Rita Marino presented Certificates of Appreciation to Father Martin Benzoni & Father Freddy Chua for their service to Council 1740 at their Goodbye Weekend at Mary Star of the Sea on Sunday, June 23rd.



FATHER FRANCISCO: Deacon Francisco Honarato became Fr. Francisco on May 18th. in Cleveland, Ohio. He wishes to thank Council 1740 for the warm wishes and monetary donation given to him. He will be serving the Lord's calling in Cleveland Ohio. On Sunday March 24, he came to St. Peter's Church and presided over 10:00AM and 12:30PM masses.
MS HIGH SCHOOL SUPPORT: Squires Nico Campbell and Brooks Montoya with a happy Spanish teacher, Mr. James Marquez, pose with the completed cart of tablets for use at Mary Star High School. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus Council 1740 for your donation to make this happen.!

SURF CITY HALF MARATHON: Four of our brother Knights, Pete Costa, Jeff Michlitsch, Byron Bustamante and Wes Kwiecien, ran the Surf City Half Marathon on Super Bowl Sunday. They wore their Knights of Columbus Angel Gate 1740 running shirts with "Run 4 Life" & "Vivat Jesus" on the back in bold letters.Nothing better than running with the Knights and getting the message out about the sanctity of Life.



TOOTSIE ROLL DRIVE: With the proceeds from the Tootsie Roll drives in our three churches, a check for $2086 was presented to the Willenberg School principal, Gavin Mirigliani, by our GK Chris Marino and Intellectual Disabilities Chairman SK Danny Eslava.
LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR SUPPORT: Our branch supported the Little Sisters of the Poor Boutique held on November 11. We provided security, setup/tear down and food services.

AFTER-MEETING FELLOWSHIP:Thanks to Phil Sandoval for taking over cooking of the after-meeting spread.


ACTIVITIES PHOTOS: Columbia Magazine has a section called "Knights in Action;" our aim is to have Council 1740 shown there. With the heavy volume of submissions, the editors cannot use all of them. They post the accompanying articles to, where we are shown this month. Please keep your action photos coming. We can always use them on this website.
HAVE A CELL PHONE? Take a picture at your next KofC activity or event and email it to Joe Lauro, Please give a brief description of who, what and where.
Last Updated 03/31/2021